Recommended Routers

The challenge is to connect a displayboard to the internet. It then can be used to receive data from our web service directly or forwarded from local timing software.

We can recommend these devices that will either bridge the displayboard via internet on a local ethernet connection, wireless internet, or via cell service (GSM, LTE, ...). For these devices, we will be providing setup instructions. These instructions can be used as a template to apply to a lot of other devices available on the market.

Manufacturer Brand Internet Remarks
Ethernet Wifi Cell
Teltonika RUT956 X X X Very versatile, bigger in form-factor
Teltonika TRB142 X Only RS232 & Cellular, small form-factor

Recommended Android Phones

Basically every modern Android phone will do.

Recommended USB-RS232 Adapters

Our Android phone application is tested to be working with the following USB-RS232 Adapters: